"There is no cosmetic for beauty like happiness -Lady Blessington"

Friday, 22 April 2011

--- When you're sick, nothing's funny...

I disagree.. I still find your face funny HAHA.
So... I think the artist should change the "When you're sick, nothing's funny..." to "When you're sick, you lose your sense of humor..." Up until yesterday, I was screaming "OH MY GOD! IT'S LONG WEEKEND!", but if you look at me now, you'll be very very depressed. I have a HORRIBLE sore throat (fortunately my condition is good) which hurts everytime I swallow.. It's sadly funny because whenever I try to breathe in through my nose, I "snort" unintentionally. Anyway, my parents went out for their vacation to Newfound Land, they'll be back on Monday so my brother, Jay, and I have the whole condo-house to ourselves. I had many awesome plans today with my friends, but I had to cancel them because of my parents. So, while my friends go to shopping malls, watch movies, eat lunch together, go to parties, I am stuck at HOME. On a be-autiful Good Friday, I'm stuck at home! Honestly I wouldn't really mind if I had a friend with me - so I'd be less lonely - but most of my friends are busy either doing what I listed before or working on their science summatives. I can't really bake because I know that I won't be able to EAT it, I played guitar already, facebook (I kind of already lost interest in it) is no longer a hobby of mine. Hmmm how about movies? Movies are only fun when you watch them with someone or someones. So I am out of options here, but to blog and blog and blog the whole day... Maybe do my work. Yes, I will do my work but seriously? On a Good Friday I'm working? I'm meeting with my science summative partner tomorrow! And from Sunday to Monday I have to go to the boring retreat...... whatever I can't do anything... WOW, do you know what I just realized? This was supposed to be a blog about joyful and happy stuff! And I specifically said that I hate depressing blogs and yet I'm writing such a "post-that-makes-you-depressed." I'm very very sorry, this will be the only depressing post, I PROMISE!! :D

Wednesday, 20 April 2011

--- 5 Minute Post

So again, I'm writing a post in my 15 minute break. I'm actually quite surprised that the agreement is very productive and efficient. Anyway I really have about 5 minutes to write because I spent the other 10 looking at other blogs. SO. i have 4 minutes now (you can see why this post is called "5 Minute Post")
What made me happy today?
Well, at first I was a bit worried since my computer technology group members could not/did not help me complete our video. However, I don't really blame them because most of them were busy with something else. The video is due tomorrow and we all thought that we could work on it tomorrow in class. But, turns out we don't have the period to work on it... Starting from tomorrow, we're presenting our videos to the class. So, our video had absolutely no audio included and had only a few fading in and out effects. In another words, we were screwed. BUT! I asked my very-nice-friend, Johnnie to help me edit my video. My plan: edit for about 30 minutes and go home. We actually took whole two hours to work on the video afterschool. He had tutor, but he stayed until the last second I saved my completed video (: I don't know if you'll ever read this, but. THANK YOU JOHNNIE! I owe you a big one!
Let me just say that there are people who are actually willing to help. People who don't mind if their schedules get kind of messed up. I respect those people because they are so admirable. Admirable as in.... oh your actions could teach many people. So anyway my time is up and this is my post for today.
THANK YOU JOHNNIE. YOU MADE MY DAY :D you are my computer tech video hero!

Tuesday, 19 April 2011

--- Suzy + Jen Agreement

One of my besties, Jennifer (creator of Everything), and I made this... agreement yesterday in Carefree Lodge where we volunteer every monday afterschool. We promised each other that we would quit all distractions (Yes..they include Youtube, tumblr, Facebook and Blogger) until we finish our work. We even wrote out a schedule! Im not going to write out the entire thing, but let's just say that if I want to keep my promise with Jen, it's going to be a damn hard thing to keep...
Why am I on blogger then? Well, we are allowed to take 10 minute breaks every now and then, so I'm writing a post right now (: However when the time is up, I have to go back to my studies and resume blogging on the next break. Well, you see I usually don't have homework - I'm sooo lucky I know - so I slack off most of the time... BUT! If I actually try my best in this Agreement then I think the outcome will be very very satisfying. I have 3 minutes left until my break ends, so I'll come back to this later. Oh what the hell, I can still write for 3 minutes! Hopefully this works because I REALLY NEED THIS. I never realized how badly I've been slacking off recently, but it's okay! because I've realized it now. It's not too late to fix my habit right? :D I'm only in grade 10 afterall.. it's not even going to be in my university application so ... it's okay. But nonetheless, it'd be amazing if I create a very effective study habit.
OH. my time's up so this is my post, my dear friends (:
Please please please dont call this a stupid agreement or say "you guys are gonna quit after a week" because this is very important to us. Hmmmm.. another way of saying this would be: we're trying our asses off here, so you don't have any fucking right to say anything. hehe. got it?

Sunday, 17 April 2011

--- Sometimes everything can't be perfect

Here I am readers! Today I'm going to talk about how sometimes everything can't be perfect (the title..duh) Ever since I was young my father told me to be optimistic and happy. He would always tell me this story: an unhappy man had a water bottle with half the water left. He screamed, "Damn it! I only have half the water left!" The same amount was left for another man. He looked at his water bottle and chuckled, "Oh my! I still have half the water left! Well, good for me!" He...basically told me that everytime I complained about something in my life, so it was pretty damn annoying for a long time.
When I was preparing to go to high school, I was very excited. Like, VERY excited because I used to watch many of those korean or canadian dramas based on the stereotypes of highschools (oh come on, they're funny and addicting!) However, when I did become a grade 9, all my expectations were not met. Obviously one reason was because I compared the reality with my fantasy of a highschool, but the most important reason was my realization of the similarity between my high school and middle school. For me highschool, this is how I thought back in grade 9, was not that different as I expected. People were still judging others by their looks, still bullying students and caring about their "reputation" or "popularity."
Honestly, the word "popularity" doesn't really exist because as long as you have those wonderful people (i think you know who you are <3) around you who love you as much as you love them, none of the "image" thing matters. Nothing's more depressing than seeing your lovelies disappointed in you (and trust me, I did some reckless things, so I know the feeling).
By now, you're probably wondering, how is this ever going to relate to the title? Well, be patient, I'm getting there. A year quickly passed by and in 2011 I became a grade 10. I had some excitement in the beginning of the year, but I didn't have as much as I did back in grade 9. I guess it was because I already knew the "schedule" of the year, if you know what I mean. Nothing was going to be different, I thought. And oh shit, I should have not said that. No, things did not get better. Things got worse because I barely knew anyone in my new classes and many of my lovelies did not have the same lunch as me.
"Really... you're depressed because you don't get to eat some sandwiches with your friends?"
That's what my brother said  when I called him on the phone, complaining about my life. Oh my, that sounds quite funny. A grade 10 calling a 21 year old brother about how she's depressed because she doesn't get to eat lunch with her buddies. AWWWW. HOW SAD. WELL, BELIEVE ME, IT WAS A HORRIBLE FEELING.
Anyway, days became weeks, weeks became months and months became... more months. I started to feel sorry for myself. Sorry that I could not just get over the fact that this year was going to be worse than last year. Then I remembered the bottle story my dad told me (read above if you don't remember) "Oh crap.. I've been the pathetic, unhappy man who screamed "@#$*&^" when he still had half of the water left" is exactly what I said to myself after realizing that. It was... funny. I started laughing out loud at how miserable I've been acting when I could have just faced the fact that sometimes everything can't be perfect. That the word "perfect" can only be applied when I've made the best out of everything I have. And honestly, I did not make the best out of everything I have. I didn't even acknowledge the wonderful people who were always there for me. And obviously if I didn't care about the people, I didn't care about what I had (like...literally.. You know, as in objects and things?)
Well, now I am totally better. I feel great about myself. I don't give a shit when, sometimes, other people insult me about my "skinny" complex or other stuff because I know that I am so much better than them. Because I have the people in my life who loves me for who I am and not for how I look like. Yeah, my life isn't perfect like the ones in the movies, but really? Noone's life is exactly the same as the films we watch on TV or in movie theatres. Everyone has their complexes, their troubles and their depressions. But, what I learned is that I have to love all those things too, in order to truly love and accept myself. Because god made me this way. And I really believe that there are no "failures" in life. Those unfortunate people are not failures. They just haven't learned to respect themselves yet like how I wasn't able to until recently.
So this is it. This is how I realized that "sometimes everything can't be perfect." And if I made any errors in this post...well, too bad. My post can't be perfect, right? ;)

Thursday, 14 April 2011

--- Songs that make me happy

Because I am human, I am allowed to say that today was a bit tiring. My class, along with other classes, had a science field trip to the Science Centre from 9am to 3pm. It was very fun, but, as I mentioned before, very tiring. We walked around for a good while and scared each other in the little caves and etc (I know, very very kiddish stuff, but HEY. It was fun) So, after dinner I sat down in front of my computer and decided to listen to some happy songs. And after a while I reailzed: Oh what the heck! Why not just make "A list of Happy Songs"? So here it is. My Top 5 happy songs of the day. Some of them are old, but who cares! They still brighten up my mood by the end of the day. Isn't that the whole point?

1) Dont worry be happy by Bobby McFerrin

2) I love you always forever by Donna Lewis

3) Count on me by Bruno Mars

4) Fall back down (cover) by Lights

6) Beautiful day by Lee DeWyze

Wednesday, 13 April 2011

--- Chocolate Heaven

Another thing that makes me happy is chocolate. I love it because you can do anything with it. You can make hot drinks, cupcakes, cakes, cookies... oh my god... just thinking about it makes my mouth drool. Anyway, I'm gonna be a little informative here and explain where chocolate came from.
The history of chocolate goes all the way back to 1492 when Columbus first presented the little cocoa beans to the Court of King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella along with other goods he received from the people of America. However, the King and the Queen never even dreamt of how important the dark brown beans would become and so the beans ended up in the hands of Hernando Cortez, a great Spanish explorer.
During his conquest of Mexico, Cortez found the Aztec Indians using cocoa beans - grown from their trees - as the main ingredient in the royal drink of the realm. Otherwise known as "chocolatl" which meant hot drink. In 1519, Emperor Montezuma (the emperor of the Aztec people. apparently he drank like..50 cups of chocolatl a day.. crazy old man) presented the chocolatl to the Spaniard guests, but the drink was too bitter for their taste. So to solve the problem, Cortez and his countrymen thought of the idea of sweetening the drink with cane sugar.
The chocolatl was sent to Spain and it was there that spices began to be created. And ultimately, someone decided that the drink would be better served hot. For many many years, the popular drink was kept a secret from Europe, but eventually the secret was let out and the love of "hot chocolate" started to spread rapidly throughout Europe and  America. New industries began to open and well, chocolate businesses are a huge success right now! So, next time you see a bar of chocolate or a container of hot chocolate powder, don't just think: Oh! yummy! Sweet stuff! But actually think about how your all-time favourite food ended up in the shelf in the first place (:

(For great recipes, go to Sixteen Beans! A cooking/baking blog by my friend, Kyleen)

Tuesday, 12 April 2011

--- Happiness is...

Happiness is:

- when your friend calls you on the phone
- when someone laughs at your joke
- when you have someone that you can share stuff with
- a warm, relaxing shower in the morning
- a piece of my brownie with a cup of milk
- when your favourite song plays on the radio
- the feeling you get when your friend attacks you from the back to say hello
- a cup of hot chocolate
- when a random person smiles at you in the school hallway
- laughing so hard that your face hurts
- realizing that you have a few more hours to sleep when you accidentally wake up in the morning
- being yourself and not caring about what other people think of you
- knowing that someone is reading your blog (:

Monday, 11 April 2011

--- My parent's 25th anniversary

Yes, I know it's late... my parent's 25th anniversary was indeed yesterday. But I created this blog yesterday night so I had no time to write about it. So I have decided to blog about it right now! Yay! While my parents were out yesterday, I got my friend's mom to drive me to Cafe Maxim's Patisserie in 648 Finch Avenue East to buy a 6-inch cheesecake, topped with yummy strawberries. It tasted good!
6-inch Strawberry Cheesecake with whipped cream
Anyway, after the stop at Cafe Maxim's Patisserie, my mom's friend drove me to Centre Point Mall so that I could buy a card to write and balloons to decorate the house with. I worked extremely hard for an hour. Maybe I'm exaggerating a little bit, but I did work hard by myself since my brother was in Guelph. However, the hard work paid off when I saw my mom cry in tears of joy (: Mhmm, she cried tears of joy. That's a first. It was a good day and I hope I can decorate the house next year with my brother!
After the simple decoration (:

Sunday, 10 April 2011

--- Mark of the beginning

Why did I name my very first blog "Morning Joy"?
Well, let me just tell you that I love the warmth of the sun on my face in the morning.
It's more of a relaxing way to wake up than the boisterous sound of my alarm clock.
Every morning I awake thinking: will today make me happy or sad?
Most of the time it's happy, unless I do something incredibly stupid that upsets someone or someone does something incredibly stupid to me.
My name is Suzy and I am a fifteen-year old girl living in Toronto. In case you're wondering what my blog is about, let's just say that it's about the happy things in life that makes me smile and live throughout each day. Of course not every day will be like that for me, but I will post now and then whenever something good happens. You may think that this is an odd blog, I mean why would anyone write some happy stuff that happens in their life?
Here's the thing. I hate depressing blogs and feeling sympathetic for those bloggers. Now, I don't know about you, but that's just how I feel. Anyway, I came across this thought about writing a blog that consists of joyful posts that can give the little happy tingly feeling inside other people. Isn't that a great idea! Hopefully something good happens, otherwise there will be no point in this blog (:
Well, that's my little story about why I decided to make "Morning Joy" and I can promise you that there will be more posts coming up! So wait patiently, my readers!