As I was saying, I could not get ANYTHING done on Friday and Saturday. The main distraction was the TV show, and the second ... well, it wasn't really a distraction. It was more of a schedule planned for Saturday. I recently joined the GYL (Global Youth Leader). I actually joined because of their music ensemble, but apparently there is a once-a-month meeting which I have to attend everytime if I don't want to risk getting kicked out of the group. Anyway, there was a tree planting event that took place in Meadowvale & Zoo Rd. Basically, I had to partner up with a friend and go around the entire park to find little pots with plants in them. Then we had to dig a hole with a shovel, loosen the plant out of the pot and place the plant in the hole. Finally, we had to put all the soil that we dug out back into the hole! AND repeat about 10 times. It was actually quite fun. We planted trees for about 2 hours and after the event was over, my partner's family, my friend's family and my family all went to the big Tim Hortons to get ice cap and fruit smoothie. I was quick enough to add whipping cream on top of my ice cap (for an extra charge of 60 cents, of course. Nothing's free) and when I received mine, my partner said "Oh. You can get whipping cream?"

So yeah. That's basically what happened on Saturday... and because I did not feel like doing any work when I arrived home, I left the Novel Portfolio for today. I worked since 2 pm until 8 pm. Obviously with breaks and a bit of watching "I am a Singer" with my family (: They are so good at singing, did I mention that? Wow, I am very off-topic. Hopefully, you're still reading this... because this is a bit too long. But, who cares. Anyway, back to the main topic. I am dying to go spring shopping! For some bright colored off shoulder tops with cute jean shorts (not the ones that look like panties... but not the ones that are too long either) and some skirts too. I need new skirts. The ones I have are either too long or too short. SO, there you have it. I have a desperate longing for spring shopping, so I'm probably going to go next saturday!!
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